Constitution and Bye-Laws
1. Issuing Authority
The authority for issuing and amending this Constitution, as covered in Clause 12, is the President, Chair, Committee and Full Members of The Club.
2. Name
The name of the club shall be The Club.
3. Adoption of The Club Constitution
This Constitution shall become effective upon ratification by a majority vote of the Membership present at a General Meeting.
4. Purpose of The Club
The principle purpose of The Club shall be to provide a convenient centre for social, cultural and sporting activities for the residents of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. It shall have no political aims, it shall not engage in propaganda or attempt to influence legislation, nor shall it participate or intervene in any direct or indirect political activities. It shall not engage in any form of religious instructions.
5. Membership of The Club
Membership shall be open to those who share the interests for which purpose The Club is formed and who have been elected to become Members in the manner prescribed in the Bye-Laws.
6. Government of The Club
6.1 The Honorary President of The Club shall be a distinguished person in Abu Dhabi, invited by the Committee. (Committee in all Bye-Laws and Constitution refers to the Main Committee of The Club only) He will remain Honorary President until he signifies his intention to withdraw or a majority vote of Full Members of The Club at a General Meeting signifies a wish for the matter to be reviewed.
6.2 The Club shall be governed by a Committee, which shall be drawn from and be responsible to the Membership. The Committee shall be vested with the authority and responsibility for the formulation and adoption of the policies which govern the operations of The Club, and for the appraisal of the effectiveness of the policies and their administration. The Committee shall be elected and appointed in accordance with Bye-Laws, wherein shall also be specified the terms, positions and powers of the Committee.
6.3 A quorum of the Committee will be six members, provided always that any two of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary or Treasurer are present at the meeting. The Committee can only conduct business if a quorum is present at any one time.
6.4 The Committee may establish sub-committees and may co-opt Members to serve on these sub-committees provided that a Member of the Committee heads each sub-committee.
6.5 In The Club Constitution and Bye-Laws, the term ‘Committee’ refers to The Club Main Committee.
7. Administration of The Club
7.1 A General Manager shall be appointed by the Committee. The operations of The Club shall be managed by the General Manager together with Deputy /Assistant Managers. The General Manager shall be responsible to the Committee for the administration of the policies adopted by the Committee.
7.2 The Managerial staff shall be employed by The Club under contract, subject to the U.A.E. Labour Law.
7.3 The Club shall employ, through the General Manager, staff members considered necessary for the efficient operation of The Club facilities.
8. General Meetings of The Club
8.1 An Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Membership shall be held not later than the 30th April of each year.
8.2 An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called by the Committee at any time and it shall be the duty of the Committee to call an EGM if so requested in writing, by not less than 20 Full Members. Such requests shall state the purpose of the EGM, and shall be acted upon by the Committee within six weeks of the date of the request. Matters discussed and voted upon at such an EGM should be only those that the said meeting was called for in the written request for the EGM, or by the Committee.
8.3 Notice of an AGM or EGM shall be posted to the Membership 28 days prior to the date of the meeting, and shall in the case of an AGM include copies of the un-ratified minutes of the previous AGM / earlier EGM, Secretary’s annual report and the audited financial statements of The Club for the prior calendar year.
8.4 Any Full Member wishing to raise any questions regarding the minutes of the previous AGM, the Secretary’s annual report or the audited financial statements shall address his comments in writing to the Secretary of The Club which must be received at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting.
8.5 Any items which a Full Member wishes to add to the agenda of the AGM must be received at The Club addressed to the Secretary in writing at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. A final agenda will be displayed at The Club for 7 days prior to the AGM.
8.6 The quorum at any AGM or EGM shall be 75 Full Members who shall be present in person and a minimum of two Committee Members. If after 30 minutes of the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be postponed for 15 minutes when the quorum shall be 50 Full Members. If, following a further 15 minutes, a quorum is still not present the AGM will be postponed for two weeks.
In the case of an EGM not achieving its specified quorum, the motion will be declared null and void.
Only Full Members will be entitled to attend and vote at a General Meeting. All voting shall be by a show of Membership cards and the decision taken on the majority vote.
8.7 No proxy voting is allowed.
9. Finance
9.1 The financial year of The Club will run from 1st January to 31st December in any year.
9.2 The Committee shall cause proper books of accounts to be maintained and shall have a Balance Sheet and Income / Expenditure Statement prepared as of the 31st December of each year. The accounts of The Club shall be audited by a qualified Accountant, registered under U.A.E. law, and appointed at the AGM. The Committee may authorise expenditure of Club funds up to a maximum AED 1,000,000, in accordance with the Bye-Laws, provided a report is posted on The Club notice board and The Club website advising the Membership.
9.3 All cheques issued by The Club to the value of AED 1,000,000 or above must be signed by two members of the Committee, both of whom must be the Chair, a Vice-Chair, the Secretary or the Treasurer.
10. Dissolution of The Club
In the event of termination of The Club, The Club shall be liquidated in accordance with U.A.E. law.
11. Bye-Laws to the Constitution
Bye-Laws may be adopted, amended and revoked from time to time at the discretion of the Committee for the benefit of the Membership or by the Membership through either an AGM or EGM.
12. Amendments to the Constitution
12.1 Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed from time to time by the Membership or the Committee, either through an AGM or an EGM.
12.2 In the event an Amendment shall be placed on the agenda of either an AGM or EGM, the Amendment shall be carried by the majority of those Full Members in actual attendance. Any proposed Amendments to the Constitution must be consistent with the purpose and character of The Club as stated in the Constitution.
1. Membership
1.1 All Full Members will have equal opportunity to promote new Members to The Club.
1.2 Members’ Annual Acceptance. All renewing Members, regardless of their Membership status are required to sign a Renewal Form which clearly states that The Club Bye-Laws have been read, understood and accepted.
1.3 Prospective members are required to submit an Enquiry to the Membership Relations Executive through the website www.the-club.com or by completing an Enquiry Form which can be obtained from the Gatehouse or Main Reception.
Following a response from the Membership Relations Executive or a site visit to view The Club, a prospective member will be invited to complete and submit a Membership Application form.
Application forms must be supported by a copy of each applicant’s passport with residence visa and a passport sized photograph. This includes children where applicable. Incomplete application forms may not be accepted. The completed application form should be returned to The Club Main Reception or Gatehouse.
1.4 The prospective new Member should obtain the signature of three existing Full Members who are willing to support the application. If a Full Member signs an application form incorrectly then the form will be classed as invalid.
1.5 When the completed application is received the applicant’s name will be entered into one of three files:
a. Local National (U.A.E. National)
b. Other National (Arabic-Eastern)
c. Expatriates (Western)
1.6 If the Membership is full, as an existing Full Member leaves, the Membership Secretary will authorise a letter of offer to the next appropriate applicant on the waiting list.
1.7 Applicants elected to Membership will be notified by letter and will be invited to pay their Joining and Membership Fees. An offer of Membership to The Club shall remain valid for 14 days from the date of notification. If the Joining and Membership Fees are not paid in this period, the next applicant on the appropriate waiting list will be elected to Membership on the same terms and the original applicant’s offer withdrawn.
1.8 A new Member may enjoy the facilities of The Club upon signing the letter of offer and on payment of the Joining and Membership Fees and, in the case of Family Membership, the main applicant is required to sign the letter of intent concerning supervision of Junior Members & Guests.
1.9 The Club accepts no responsibility for injury or loss of any kind on Club property. As a condition of joining The Club, Members accept to indemnify The Club against any claim arising from any and all injury or loss. Committee will not consider application forms that have not been signed by the applicant accepting this as an expressed condition of Club Membership. This condition extends in full to include all Members’ guests.
1.10 Fully paid up Full Members, Country Members and Overseas Members may, subject to conditions, request to change their Membership class at any time. The Committee may give special consideration to Membership applicants returning to residence in Abu Dhabi who had previously been Full Members.
1.11 Members wishing to resign from The Club or change their status in any way must advise the Membership Secretary in writing. Membership cards remain the property of The Club and must be surrendered to Reception upon either resignation from The Club or change in Membership status.
1.12 Membership is non-transferable between individuals.
1.13 Where a member is suspended and currently the subject of an investigation by Membership Liaison, they may not resign from The Club or change their membership status until the conclusion of such an investigation as agreed by Main Committee.
2. Classes of Membership
2.1 Full Membership: Only Single Members, Couples, and Family Members excluding Junior Members under 18 years of age are classed as Full Members for interpretation of these Bye-Laws and Constitution.
2.2 Family Membership: shall include main applicant, spouse (if resident) and children under 18 years of age. The main applicant is the lead person with regard to resident permit regulations.
2.3 Couple Membership: shall include main applicant and spouse (if resident). The main applicant is the lead person with regard to resident permit regulations.
2.4 Single Membership: shall include one person only who must be 18 years of age or older. Applicants must be employed in Abu Dhabi (or sponsored by their working spouse).
2.5 Junior Membership
2.5.1 Junior Membership shall be available to all children of Full Members attending school at the time of taking out the Membership.
2.5.2 Junior Members who, upon reaching the age of 18 or above, wish to convert to Full Membership will be entitled to do so upon payment of the relevant fees, including Joining Fee.
2.5.3 Junior Members leaving Abu Dhabi to continue their education, and subsequently reach the age of 18, will be eligible to apply for an Overseas 18+ Dependent Membership while:
a. They are Students, (including those studying for their first degree), and
b. Their Parent(s) maintain their Full Membership.
2.6 Country Membership
2.6.1 Country Members may use The Club facilities a maximum of four (4) times per month.
Country Membership shall be available only to those who reside within the U.A.E., but outside a range of 100kms from The Club Premises and who:
a. Have been Full Members for a minimum period of 12 consecutive months, or
b. Have completed payment of their Joining Fee on the 24-month extended Joining Fee payment scheme.
If the offer of Country Membership is taken concurrently with the Full Members resignation, no joining fee is required. If Country Membership is taken at a later date, a re-joining fee will be applicable.
2.6.2 Former Members returning to live in the U.A.E., who reside outside a range of 100km from The Club premises, may apply for Country Membership if:
a. They had previously held a Full Membership for a minimum period of 12 consecutive months, or
b. They had completed payment of their Joining Fee, on the 24-month extended Joining Fee payment scheme
c. They agree to pay the relevant re-joining fees applicable.
2.7 Overseas Membership
Overseas Members may use The Club facilities a maximum of 42 days per calendar year.
Overseas Membership is available only to those who:
a. Have been Full Members for a minimum period of 12 consecutive months, or
b. Had completed payment of their Joining Fee, on the 24 month extended Joining Fee payment scheme
c. Have cancelled their U.A.E. Residence Visa and now reside permanently outside the U.A.E.
d. See bye-law 2.5.3 for Overseas 18+ Dependent Membership.
This class of Membership is not an option for anyone in employment in the U.A.E.
Overseas Membership must be concurrent as and when the Member resigns their Full Membership.
Note: At Management / Committee discretion exceptions may be possible in rare circumstances where a Member having resigned and residing permanently outside the U.A.E. retains his / her U.A.E. Residence Visa for legitimate reasons, other than residency.
2.8 Visiting Membership: shall be available to families and friends of Full Members, Country Members & Overseas Members, who are visiting the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, or in other special circumstances as approved by the Committee from time to time. Applicants for Visiting Membership must be introduced in person by their sponsoring Full Member at the Reception desk before proceeding. Visiting Membership is not available to residents of Abu Dhabi.
2.9 Honorary Membership
The Committee may, at its discretion, invite the following two groups of persons to become Honorary Members of The Club:
2.9.1 Thirty-Year Full Membership: Such Memberships may be awarded to Members who have completed 30 years continuous Full Membership. These Members shall be entitled to use The Club as Full Members and are entitled to vote at Annual General Meetings / Extraordinary General Meetings and to participate in the Weekly Club Accumulator.
2.9.2 Distinguished individuals. Such Memberships may be offered without the formality of election. This class of membership is for individuals living in Abu Dhabi. These Members shall be entitled to use The Club as Full Members but are not entitled to vote at Annual General Meetings / Extraordinary General Meetings or to participate in the weekly Club Accumulator.
2.10 Life Membership
The Committee, at its discretion, may invite individuals who have performed long term service for The Club to become Life Members. This class of Membership is for individuals who are no longer resident of the U.A.E. They shall be entitled to the full use of The Club and its facilities when visiting the U.A.E. It is the only class of Membership that does not require annual renewal.
3. Reciprocal Membership
The Club has established reciprocal or Letter of Introduction arrangements with a number of clubs worldwide. The Committee may at its discretion establish reciprocity with other institutions and clubs. The list of Reciprocal Clubs can be found in The Club website and communication with the Main Reception.
4. Fees
4.1 The following Club fees are applicable:
a. Joining Fee: This is a non-refundable payment.
b. Membership Fee: This is an annual subscription payment.
4.2 Payment of Fees
The Joining Fee can be paid:
a. In full, up front when the offer of Membership is accepted, or
b. On the extended Joining Fee payment scheme – this is over a 24 month period and is paid concurrently with Annual Subscription Fees, when Annual Subscription Fees are paid by Direct Debit, in which case no up-front Joining Fee is applied.
The Membership Fee can be paid:
a. Annually, in advance before 31st December each year, or
b. On a monthly basis by Direct Debit.
Membership Fees shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis, from the date of processing a new membership to the end of the calendar year.
4.3 Membership Renewal: Notice will be sent before 1st December requesting payment before December 31st for the following year. Should the subscription still remain unpaid by the end of January, the Membership will be considered cancelled unless the Full Member can provide an acceptable explanation to Committee.
4.4 No one will be permitted to use The Club facilities after December 31st each year unless their Membership Fees:
a. Have been paid in full for the coming year, or
b. Are to be paid in accordance with the current deposit renewal option, or
c. Payment has been arranged through a Direct Debit Mandate.
4.5 A Member who wishes to resign from The Club may do so in writing and request repayment of the balance of the annual subscription.
The amount refundable is calculated from the 1st day of the following month.
A Member who wishes to change his/her status to Country or Overseas Membership, and who satisfies the criteria for these categories, may do so in writing and request repayment of the balance of the annual subscription.
A Member applying to rejoin The Club and who holds Country or Overseas Membership is not required to pay the Joining Fee and is not subject to the waiting list.
4.6 A Member who had previously deposited a loan at the time of joining The Club (pre 1987) may request for the loan to be repaid during his / her Membership period or up to one year from the date of cancellation or lapse of his / her Membership. After one year from the date of cancellation or lapse of Membership no refund will be made.
4.7 Any individual whose Membership has been terminated for cause by Committee will forfeit any and all Joining and Membership fees.
4.8 The Membership of any Member whose Membership fees have lapsed for three months will be automatically terminated. Members are reminded that subscription fees are due in advance.
5. Voting Rights of Members
All active Adult Members may attend AGM’s and EGM’s. However, only Full Members may debate or vote on matters arising.
6. Committee
6.1 Committee Members shall be nominated by and from the Full Membership. They shall be elected at each AGM of The Club for a term of one year. (Committee in all Bye-Laws and Constitution refers to the Main Committee of The Club only).
6.2 The designation of Committee Members shall be as follows:
A Members:
Vice-Chairman (Administration)
Vice-Chairman (Operations)
B Members:
Membership Secretary
Members Liason
Premises Member
Sports Member
Entertainments Member
House Member
Once elected by the Membership, Committee Members may be moved from one designated position to another, as approved by a majority of the Committee.
6.3 Completed Nomination Forms for election to Committee (available at Reception) shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary not later than 10 days before the AGM. A proposer, a seconder, and the nominee must sign the Nomination Form, all of whom must be Full Members. The final list will be displayed on Club notice boards for seven days prior to the AGM and via email. During this time and up until the start of the AGM Full Members will be entitled to vote for their preferred candidate. Full Members will only be entitled to vote in person at The Club Reception desk on the official ballot form. The result of the elections will be announced during the AGM. If only one nomination is received for any particular position, that Member will be deemed elected.
The position of Chair will be open only to those Members who are serving, or have served on Committee.
6.4 The Chair may hold the position for a maximum of three consecutive years after which they will be required to (a) take up an alternative position on Committee or (b) resign from Committee. A full Member may be re-elected to the post of Chairman after a minimum of three years since vacating the position.
6.5 Failing such nominations, or if a Committee member resigns during their year of office, the Secretary shall invite nominations for the vacant position by giving notice on Club notice boards and via email. Nominations, signed as per section 6.3, shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary within seven days of the date of invitation. The final list of nominations will then be displayed and a further period of seven days will be allowed for Full Members to vote. Full Members will only be entitled to vote in person at The Club Reception desk on the official ballot form. If only one nomination is received, that Member will be deemed elected.
6.6 Nomination of any Full Member who has received an active formal disciplinary warning may not be accepted.
6.7 Nomination of any Full Member whose employer or own establishment is providing goods and / or services to The Club for consideration may not be accepted. No related persons may stand for election or serve together on Committee.
6.8 Serving Committee Members may not simultaneously hold any position of office on a Club Section. Therefore any section committee member who is successfully elected to the Committee is deemed to have immediately and automatically vacated their section position from the date of their election to the Committee.
6.9 Only fully paid-up Members (including the fees of their family members) who have been elected to the Committee may attend and participate in Committee meetings. Any Committee Member whose membership fees, and/or those of their family, remain unpaid or partly paid on the date of a Committee meeting, may, at the discretion of the Committee be required to vacate their position.
7. Responsibility of Committee
7.1 The responsibilities of the Committee shall be:
– To formulate and adopt the policies which govern the operation of The Club.
– To direct the administration of The Club including binding interpretation of The Club’s Constitution and Bye-Laws.
– To contact, negotiate with, and otherwise deal with all local and Federal Government Departments and Agencies.
– To approve and enter into contracts on behalf of The Club.
– To determine the needs of the Membership and how best to serve those needs.
– To ensure that financial resources will be available to provide the means to carry out the purpose of The Club.
– To select and employ the General Manager of The Club, and may delegate to him the authority to employ other staff, and to bestow upon him appropriate powers and authorities.
– To monitor the effectiveness of The Club Management and to direct the General Manager in the performance of his duties.
– To authorise non-recurring expenditures of up to AED 1,000,000.
– To authorise payments through The Club’s bank / financial institutions.
Note: Payments up to AED 999,999 must be authorised by two Committee Members, one of which must be an “A” signatory. Payments above AED 1,000,000 must be authorised by two “A” signatory Committee Members.
– To notify its bank / financial institutions of any change in the Members sitting on the Committee.
Note: Such notification to the bank / financial institutions must be authorised by two “A” signatory Committee Members.
7.2 The approved Minutes of each Committee Meeting shall be posted on The Club Notice Board and on The Club website.
7.3 Committee will take disciplinary action against any Member as may be required, up to and including lifetime termination of membership.
7.4 Committee will take any other decisions or establish any policies consistent with the Constitution and deemed necessary for the well being of The Club.
7.5 To authorise the opening of a new or additional bank account under The Club’s name.
7.6 To authorise the issuance of a debit card/s to Senior Management for The Club account, to a maximum of AED 30,000.00. The above mentioned debit card will be a sub-account that contains a maximum amount of AED 30,000.00 at any given time, used primarily for online purchases and subscription services.
7.7 Committee will appoint members to subcommittees as required, according to article 6.4 of The Club Constitution.
7.8 Committee will be responsible for reviewing and approving, amending or rejecting recommendations made by subcommittees.
7.9 Committee will maintain the following standing subcommittees, and stand up, on a temporary basis, additional subcommittees as required:
A. Finance
B. Premises and Security
C. Membership
D. Governance
7.10 Committee delegates the authority to Membership Liaison and Club Management to convene, as required, the Membership Liaison subcommittee, which will review matters of conduct amongst the membership. The subcommittee will make recommendations to Main Committee on the conclusion of such matters once it has gathered and considered all relevant information. In exceptional circumstances, Committee delegates the authority to immediately terminate membership to the subcommittee only where at least two committee members (plus Management) have been consulted and consensus agreed. One of these members should be an ‘A Member’ as defined in bye-law 6.2. The subcommittee should present a full report and justification of any such action to the next Main Committee, which will retain the authority to overturn or amend any decision taken by the subcommittee.
8. Guests
8.1 Full Members, Country Members & Overseas Members may invite guests into The Club upon payment of the defined guest fee. Full Members are permitted to bring guests into The Club on public holidays and weekends, with prior approval from Management.
8.2 Full Members, Country Members & Overseas Members may introduce accompanied Adult Guest(s) to dine exclusively, at designated Club outlets, by following the Guest Dining Policy procedure. Dining guests are not permitted to make use of other Club facilities / services. In such an event occurring, the sponsoring Member will be subject to disciplinary action which may include suspension or termination of their membership.
8.3 The host of a Day Guest must sign the Guest Register and the number of guests will normally be limited to two per Member per day. Should Members wish to bring in more than this number, approval of Management must first be obtained.
8.4 A Full Member must accompany all guests when signing in at the Gatehouse unless entry is inclusive with a function ticket or special arrangements have been made with Management.
8.5 The host Full Member must accompany and be responsible for their guests throughout the time of the guest’s visit to The Club.
8.6 Once a guest has entered The Club with a Full Member and has paid the correct entry fee, the guest may leave and re-enter The Club any number of times during the day, provided the same Full Member accompanies the guest each time. The guest must carry and show the ticket receipt at all times.
8.7 Other than by special arrangement, made in advance with Management, guests will not be permitted to bring their vehicles into The Club at weekends or on Public Holidays before 6 PM.
9. Dress Code
9.1 Members and their guests are required to make themselves familiar with, and respect the applicable dress codes throughout The Club. Current information on the dress codes can be found on The Club website (www.the-club.com).
9.2 Members, guests and children shall not use the Main Building when barefoot, or in uncovered swimming costume. Members taking part in organised sports or other special activities approved by Committee e.g. rehearsals, may wear sports or informal dress when entering or leaving The Club Main Building in the designated area but will not be permitted entry to the remainder of the Main Building whilst so dressed.
9.3 At Management’s discretion the above arrangements can be relaxed when a facility is being used for a Section, Private, or Special Event.
9.4 Members who have engaged in sporting activities are required to change their clothing before using any of the Main Building outlets.
10. Behaviour
10.1Members shall conduct themselves in an acceptable manner with due consideration and respect for other Members, Club Management and Staff. It is expressly forbidden for Members to use foul language and/or raise their voice to Club Management or Staff. (Members, Management and Staff are actively encouraged to report any and all instances of inappropriate behaviour towards themselves or others by another Club Member.) The Club maintains a policy of zero tolerance of violent conduct towards Club Management, Staff and Members.
10.2 Management is instructed to ask Members who do not conduct themselves in an acceptable manner to leave the premises, reporting any incident to Committee or Membership Liaison subcommittee for further action.
10.3 Committee or Membership Liaison subcommittee (per bye-law 7.10) is empowered to take any action it deems necessary in cases of misconduct or annoyance caused to other Members.
10.4 Bullying of any kind is not permitted. Inflammatory or degrading comments (in person or on social media) about subjects such as race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated. Social Media posts that are deemed to be inflammatory or aimed to achieve an aggressive or insensitive response from other Members will not be tolerated.
11. Junior Members and Junior Guests
11.1 Junior Members and junior guests aged 10 years and above may use The Club facilities without the direct supervision of parents/guardians, except for those areas specifically excluded, subject to entering the premises with a Full Member and presenting their Junior Membership card at the gate. However, the parent/guardian or sponsoring Full Member will be held responsible for the behaviour and general supervision of the Junior Members/Junior Guests at all times whilst on The Club premises.
11.2 Junior Members aged 14 and 15, who are members of Studio 2 and whose parents have registered them for unaccompanied access to The Club may enter The Club without a Full Member in order to use the Studio 2 facility and no other Club facility. Such Junior Members at all times remain the responsibility of their parents even though the parents may not be on The Club premises and they are not entitled to introduce any guest to The Club.
Other than on the above occasions, Junior Members below the age of 16 may only enter The Club premises if accompanied by a Full Member.
11.3 Junior Members and Junior Guests aged 10 years and above may use The Club facilities without the direct supervision of parents / guardians, except for those areas specifically excluded, subject to entering the premises with a Full Member and presenting their Junior Membership card at the gate. However, the parent / guardian or sponsoring Full Member will be held responsible for the behaviour and general supervision of the Junior Members / Junior Guests at all times whilst on The Club premises.
11.4 Junior Members and Junior Guests will be allowed on The Club premises until 10 PM (only in areas where Juniors are permitted.) Specific permission must be obtained in advance from The Club Management if any Junior is to remain on the premises beyond this time. Where permission has been granted, the sponsoring Full Member is responsible for the behaviour and supervision of the Junior Members / Junior Guests. Notwithstanding the above, the Junior curfew at the Main Beach and Pool areas is 8.30 PM.
11.5 Junior Members and Junior Guests over 14 years of age are allowed in the Main Bar until 8:30 PM if accompanied by a Full Member.
11.6 Unless specified, Entertainments at The Club are for Full Members and Adult Guests only. Junior Members and Junior Guests are not permitted.
11.7 Full Members are expected at all times to ensure those Junior Members or Junior Guests for whom they are responsible shall not place themselves in situations of personal danger or cause disturbance to others.
11.8 Parents of Junior Members that have been signed up for supervised courses and/or activities, (e.g. tennis, swimming, karate) that are held on a weekday or a school holiday, may register their housemaids/drivers / helpers to bring their child(ren) into The Club for the supervised activity. Registration Forms are held at the Health Complex Reception.
Such access will only be allowed a maximum of 30 minutes prior to the start of the activity and departure should be within 30 minutes of the activity finishing. A fee of AED 10 will apply each day the housemaid/driver/helper enters The Club under these conditions.
11.9 Housemaids / drivers / helpers may not enter The Club at any other time unless as a signed in, paid for guest of a Full Member.
11.10 Housemaids/drivers/helpers may not enter The Club at any other time unless as a signed-in, paid for guest of a Full Member.
12. Pets
Pets are not permitted on The Club premises.
13. Boats and Trailers
13.1 Members may, subject to special limitations, use The Club facilities to launch and park their own boats and trailers. Boats and trailers must be registered with Management who shall issue written authorisation for use of the facility on payment of the appropriate fees.
13.2 Registration shall be renewed annually with fees payable on demand. Boats may be allocated parking spaces onshore. Application for such allocations must be made to Management and allocation shall be for a period of one year. Boats and trailers must be insured before using The Club premises and owners must indemnify The Club against any claims which may arise out of their use of The Club facilities. Boats and trailers not having space allocated on the premises must be removed by midnight daily, unless prior agreement with Management has been obtained. Management shall remove from The Club premises, at the owner’s expense, any boat or trailer not conforming to The Club requirements of use, registration, parking or mooring.
13.3 No boat trailers shall be parked in the front or central car parks at any time.
13.4 The swimming areas are delineated and boats are excluded from those areas.
13.5 Jet skis are not allowed on Club property.
14. Fishing
Fishing from The Club premises or property is not permitted at any time.
15. Alcoholic Beverages
15.1 Subject to the conditions laid down by the governing authorities, the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages is restricted to Members and guests who are aged 21 years and over.
15.2 Members shall not take drinks from The Club Main Building into other parts of the premises.
15.3 Members shall not be permitted to bring their own alcoholic beverages to The Club for consumption. Any member found to be in breach of this rule shall be referred to the Main Committee for disciplinary action.
16. Food & Beverage Outlets
The opening and closing times of all Food & Beverage Outlets are to be determined by Committee.
17. Smoking
Smoking is only allowed in designated areas throughout The Club premises.
18. Club Sections
18.1 A Club Section may be formed by a group of Full Members to further the aims and objectives of The Club as laid down in the Constitution.
18.2 The formation of any Section requires the prior approval of Committee (Committee in all Bye-Laws and the Constitution refers to the Main Committee of The Club, not the individual Section committees). Committee may authorise financial assistance if deemed necessary.
18.3 A prerequisite of consideration for the formation of a Section shall be submission to Committee of the following:
– A draft proposal of organisation or constitution, including the objectives of the proposed Section.
– A list of any proposed office bearers, organisers, and Section committee members.
– A proposed budget outlaying the planned income and expenses of the section including anticipated section member fees.
18.4 The funds and assets of Sections shall remain at all times part of the funds and assets of The Club. The members of the Section shall share equal responsibility for such funds and assets.
18.5 Sections are expected to be financially self-sufficient. In the event of an unusual cash requirement, the Section may apply to Committee for a short-term loan. It is expected that the loan be repaid by the end of the financial year. Committee may extend the loan period or waive the loan at its sole discretion.
18.6 Sections are required to operate in accordance with the current ‘Section Financial Administrative Guidelines and Rules’, established and issued by the Committee.
18.7 No Section may become financially indebted to any party including The Club without the explicit written approval of Committee.
18.8 No Section may purport to represent other than those members of that Section.
18.9 A Section shall not approach outside bodies or individuals on financial or other matters except to seek sponsorship, in full accordance with the prevailing guidelines at that time or to arrange for matches, competitions, performances or visits in accordance with the Sections approved constitution.
18.10 It is the responsibility of the Section to state training and / or competition times to the Management / Sports / Entertainment Member for approval.
18.11 The booking of any Sectional facility must be made through Management.
18.12 The host Section shall ensure that all visiting teams are made aware of The Club rules and standard of dress required in the Food & Beverage Outlets if permitted by Management to use these facilities.
18.13 A list of visiting team names and supporters must be provided to Management for use by the gateman. The number of supporters must not exceed the number of players in a team.
18.14 The visiting team’s usage of The Club facilities shall be limited to the area of the specific sporting activity unless Management has approved special arrangements in advance.
18.15 The format for open competition and special Sectional functions shall be discussed and agreed with Management in advance. A Section hosting an event for the general Membership may apply for assistance to Committee. Such assistance is to be approved at Committee’s sole discretion. Items required for training or practice will not be considered for payment.
18.16 There can only be one Section for each activity.
18.17 Committee has the right to disband any Section it deems necessary.
19. Swimming Pools/Beaches
19.1 The Club will not be responsible for any Members or guests, in the swimming pool complex, beach areas, or any other area within The Club as per Bye-Law 1.8.
19.2 Junior Members and junior guests are the full and total responsibility of their parents or sponsoring Member.
19.3 Footbaths and showers must be used before entering the pools.
19.4 No glass containers are to be taken into the pool or beach areas, including the Pool Bar.
19.5 No Junior Member or junior guest below the age of 10 years is allowed in the pool or beach areas unless accompanied by a Full Member who is responsible for them. Non-swimmers and those using flotation aids are not permitted in the deep end of the pool.
19.6 Pool hours are subject to seasonal change and are to be clearly displayed at the Poolside. Swimming in the sea after sunset is prohibited.
19.7 Orderly and sensible behaviour is required of all pool users at all times.
19.8 No tyre rings or spurious floating objects, flippers or glass facemasks are permitted in the pools unless in an organised and supervised session.
20. Food & Drink
While on the premises, Members are not permitted to consume any food and/or drink that has been purchased outside The Club. Exceptions are made for special preparations for infants.
21. Domestic Employees
Domestic employees of Members or their guests are not permitted on The Club premises except as bonafide guests paying the appropriate entrance fee. Domestic employees are not permitted to be left alone to supervise Juniors.
22. Car Parking
22.1 Parking areas are clearly defined and arranged for maximum parking.
22.2 Members must use the parking areas as defined, with due consideration for other Members. The parking of large vehicles and vehicles with trailers shall not be such that space is restricted for other Members. Car parking areas may be closed at Management’s discretion for specific functions. At such times notices will be displayed which must be heeded. Committee will take action against those who park in designated no-parking areas.
22.3 Other than by special arrangement, made in advance with Management, guests will not be permitted to bring their vehicles into The Club at weekends or on Public Holidays before 6 PM.
23. Booking Rules for Sports Courts
23.1 Booking Procedure
– Any Full Member may book a court. However, registered Section Members may be afforded preferential booking rights at discretion of Committee.
– The Club Members name and Membership number must be given when booking a court.
– Court session duration and the number of bookings that can be made at any one time will be as determined by Committee and be posted.
– Courts will be available for play between 8am and 11 PM daily.
– Any member abusing the sports court booking system will be subject to disciplinary action.
23.2 Playing
– 10 minutes waiting time will be allowed. If the Member is not on court within this time the booking will be void and other Members may use the court. Reception will record the details on the booking sheet and inform Management.
– Appropriate sports attire must be worn whilst on court. No swimwear will be allowed.
– No food or drink is to be consumed on court.
23.3 Cancellations
– Courts may be cancelled by phone or in person without penalty, 24 hours or more before the booked court time. Courts cancelled with less than 24 hours notice and no-shows will be subject to penalty.
– Disciplinary action will be taken against Members who repeatedly fail to properly cancel or fail to show up.
24. Alterations to Club Premises
No Section or Member may make alterations to The Club premises or facilities without explicit written Committee approval.
25. Club Functions
25.1 A price differential will be applied between Member and guest tickets for general Club Entertainments.
25.2 Non-member entry to The Club for these functions will be by ticket only with the entry fee being included in the price.
25.3 At Club functions and events, Management may take the decision to capture footage and stills for the use in Club marketing and communications material. Members’ consent to be featured in these will be an implied condition of their attendance. However, should a member wish to withhold this consent they should advise the Duty Manager before the event whereby reasonable efforts will be taken to ensure they are not identified in such material.
26. Hiring of Club Facilities
26.1 If any Club Section or Full Member wishes to hire any of The Club facilities they must contact Management to coordinate the booking requirements. ‘Non Exclusive’ conditions apply to the Food & Beverage outlets.
26.2 Members, non-members and organisations booking a private function are required to confirm numbers and details 72 hours before the event.
26.3 All private function bookings shall be secured with a 50% deposit a full 72 hours before the event. Management reserves the right to cancel a booking if payment is not received by the due date.