Junior Spring Camp

Junior Spring Camp


8th April 2024




Around The Club

FUN variety of activities, games and sports!

During the Easter school holidays, we are delighted to announce that we will be hosting our popular multi-camp for our Junior Members.

Our multi-camp is divided into two age groups in different venues. Drop-off begins at 8 AM and pick-up at 4 PM, in between these times our Junior Members will be engaged in a range of fun activities, games and sports. From fun football, dodge ball, nerf guns, bouncy castle, bull dog, arts & crafts plus much, much more! Snacks, lunch and refreshments are included.

8th – 12th April (5 days)
Monday to Friday | 8 AM to 4 PM | For ages 4-6 & 7-10

Junior Members
AED 650* per week
AED 130* per day

Junior Guests
AED 750* per week
AED 150* per day

*Includes morning snacks, lunch and afternoon snacks. Minimum 3 days booking.
Booking and payment in advance will be available with Health Complex Reception.